Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh Wonderful Pregnancy

I went to the hospital on Monday November 17 and the nurse said I was dilated to 1. I called my dr the next day to check with them to see if this was a problem and they said yes and scheduled me an ultrasound appointment. When they did the ultrasound they saw that my cervix was shortened to 2.2cm when it should be at least 3cm so they sent me to a specialist after a week of bed rest and they checked it and it was measuring above 3cm. I am just glad that ordeal is over, for now. At the specialist appointment they did an ultrasound and we got some good pictures of the baby who is now weighing in at 1lb 5oz. Here are the pictures we got.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


After much debate, we have settled on a name for our baby boy. James Hunter. Hunter was Derek's idea, but I like it. I am sure it will grow on me.

Also, he is kicking lots, but we still haven't felt him from the outside yet.

My sister-in-law Brandy is working on the baby shower already. It wont be until January but she is already getting started with the planning. She called me last night and asked me to get together a list of names addresses and phone numbers of who I wanted to invite. I think my list was about 5 names long. I told her I may have to pay people to come. Which this baby shower is just for the people on Derek's side of the family and a few friends that I have that are either married or dating his friends. Oh well, a small shower is better than no shower at all.

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's a BOY!!!

Well, we had our anatomy scan today which reveled that the baby is a boy and growing right on schedule. There was nothing wrong, that we know of but we will have to get another ultrasound in 4 more weeks because he would not cooperate and the only thing he would show was his boy parts.

